Back to Work Solutions
We offer a myriad of different affordable post COVID-19 solutions that can help manage people, interactions and the spread of disease, in both retrofit and new construction projects. Please give us a call or send an email to set up some time to discuss how we can meet your needs.

Touchless Office Solutions
Eliminating touch points in the office can help reduce the spread of infection.
Through sensors and technology we can eliminate many of the high traffic touch points.

UV Sanitation Systems
We offer permanently installed and automated systems, as well as portable UV-C sanitation solutions for HVAC, open air, and surface cleaning.

Social Distancing Tools
Anonymous people mapping allows occupants to properly social distance while equipped with wayfinding software to allow for better traffic flow through your buildings.

Mass Temperature Screening Systems
The Mass Temperature Screening System uses cameras to detect the infrared signature that people and objects emit. The system constructs and displays instant heat readings. Anyone tagged with an elevated skin temperature can be taken aside for further examination.

Air Quality Metering
Real-time insight on your air quality. Automated logic can be applied to turn air faster during times of high pollution.

Heat Mapping
Tell your cleaning staff where to clean, know where people in your office congregate and know exactly the path that people take to execute real-time data driven real estate decisions.